Sunday, January 29, 2006


Poem composed on January 27, 2006

Rippling thoughts of you, running in my mind
Crashing waves of emotion, put me to a bind
Miserably longing for your touch
Can’t I escape from your clutch?

I miss you, yet the very you I avoid
For each time I see you, I feel so void
All I can do is fly like a sparrow
And still enjoy this sweet sorrow

They say true love doesn’t always get to keep
Nevertheless it always gives
Thus so I will try to be
Farewell dear one, I am setting you free

This one tells a girl who is trying to get over a guy. She has been trying to get over him for a year, yet… it always seems to come back. He would disappear, then re-appear again, disappear then re-appear again. She wants to break away, but there’s just always something that she has to say to the guy and what she has to say actually accurately points out what he is going through then and it even predicts his future. Yes, it is prophetical. Yet there is nothing going on between them, if there is, then it would be a one sided feeling from the girl. So why not just let go of everything and move on.

1 comment:

  1. very good say you are soooooo....talented he...h.e.he
